Crowdsourced Gallery
This is art created and described by 66 anonymous individuals on Amazon Mechanical Turk. They used their favorite “Create Your Own” tool to make these pieces.

Order in Chaos, November 2019
This is a piece on reflecting how I am feeling at the moment. There is order in my life but also chaos.

Wormhole, November 2019
This piece is depicting a female's pelvic bone, upside down. It is the gateway into an unknown world for the traveler or unborn child. We do [not] choose to be born, and we cannot give consent for what kind of world or environment we will be forced into, such as astronauts will be thrown into an unknown world when they first enter a wormhole.

Autumn Evening, November 2019
The ever changing colors of the fall provide us with a glimpse of mother nature - the ultimate artist.

Feeling Blue in a Green World, November 2019
This art represents how you can feel lonely while being surrounded by others, even those like you.

Bubbles in the Blue, November 2019
A piece that depicts bubbles floating in a space that reminds people that those who start small can turn their dreams into something big.

Rainy Morning, November 2019
A splash of colorful droplets mingling and reflecting the feel of stepping out into a rainy morning.

Circles Untitled #3 Multi-Color, November 2019
An abstract work that is composed of circles of varying sizes and colors.

Bubbles, November 2019
Life is full of both big and small challenges. These circles represent the difficulties and challenges we must overcome along the path of life.

In Motion, November 2019
In Motion brings movement to static art. It draws the eyes to the subtle movements and color variations between the lines, encouraging the viewers to think beyond the art piece.

Soothe the Soul, November 2019
It is a soothing piece to just look at with no eye strain. It feels like it could be framable and placed on one of the walls in a nice house.

Da Bears, November 2019
The colors represent the Chicago Bears football team. The intermingling of the shapes represent the individual players and how it takes each of them working together to make a team.

Inconvenient Origami, November 2019
A figurative, fractal form of an ill-folded origami swan. Digital Media. 2019

Disappointment in Monochrome, November 2019
Each dot represents the disappointment that will be felt when clicking the link to the website where one can generate a piece like this one thinking that one would have any control over the actual piece and finding oneself wrong.

Cookie Cutter, November 2019
A subtle monochromatic visual exploration of variant resource allocation within a world that demands conformity, order, and safe distances between citizens.

Today, November 2019
This piece represents the current world: many different colors, aspects, objects, coming together in [a] perfect imperfect way.

Lost, November 2019
A monotone assortment of various curves, dips and enclosures, reminiscent of an overhead look at a field of hedges which form a maze.

Green Dress, November 2019
This piece represents the simplicity of color, shape, and form in the digital era where the generation of anything can be accomplished by complex algorithms in online human-robot interfaces. This also refers to the fast fashion industry and its endless and terribly harmful practice of pumping out the best new thing for profit.

Edmonton Embrace, November 2019
Edmonton Embrace emanates a feeling of closeness throughout a group of otherwise unfamiliar entities. The powerful lines and colors evoke a real sense of camaraderie for the viewer.

Peninsula, November 2019
This piece depicts the never-ending flow between water and land, causing the viewer's eye to wonder where the sea ends and land begins.

The Mantis Searches, November 2019
A simple black and white construction using thick lines that come to sharp points for the eye to focus on.

Round Rainbows, November 2019
The colors of the rainbow in infinite circle form. Go a-round the rainbow!

The Red City, November 2019
This piece of art is a representation of how I imagine a hospital and its inhabitants would look like if they were represented by dots. Each dot and it's size can be seen as a nurse, a doctor, and patients. It's a city in [and] of itself.

60's Floor, November 2019
I chose the colors because they were kind of ugly in a cool way and I liked the thick and thin line work.

Aztec-Futre, November 2019
In this piece I imagine the patterns of an Aztec society that survived to modernity. The traditional Aztec geometric patterns are abstracted. The colors are cold and industrial evoking transit maps and circuit boards.

Maslow's Freudian Rorschach, November 2019
The duality of a dull warmth of systemic hope and dark coolness of despair is contorted into a puerile mockery of the nigh erotic passion to achieve expected from a figure of society, no matter how underserved by that society that figure may in fact be.

Event Horizon, November 2019
I used the black color to represent the void, with thin faint white lines to represent what lies beyond.

Social Circles, November 2019
Each of us has major and minor players in our lives, and this piece illustrates how we interact with them.

The Beginning, November 2019
I utilized limited color and various sizes to represent the beginning of anything.

Intrustion, November 2019
I started with the small dots and some grew larger... added the black and it just looked like an intrusion of larger dots and colors.

Modern Forest, November 2019
This piece reminds me of a forest covered in mushrooms, the colors reminds me of trees and kind of looks like an aerial view of the woods and the shapes remind me of mushroom tops. I feel like I'm looking down from the sky onto a forest covered in a field of fungi.

The Darkness of the Matrix, November 2019
It is a piece that represents the interconnected darkness of our world. The white lines show us all together, connected in one big way but everywhere surrounding it is darkness. The darkness of the world. The darkness of the internet. The darkness of humanity amid the white, pure lines of connectivity.

Christmass Party, November 2019
A two color exploration of holiday celebration. An attempt to capture the cultural significance of holidays in the simplest terms.

Contemplation of Orange Dots, November 2019
Experience an array of orange dots that are inspired by a fresh interpretation of color.

Intransigence, November 2019
This piece reflects man's struggle with contemporary themes, and reflections of base emotional states.

Monochromatic Kusama, November 2019
This piece plays with the concept of space, or lack thereof. An area has been created by the dots that is repetitious and provokes strong emotions.

Untitled, November 2019
I liked the variety of circle sizes. The randomness makes it interesting yet it is still visually appealing. The contrast of white and red give the painting a pop to draw your attention.

Untitled, November 2019
This piece is an abstraction. My work has always been expressionistic and I feel like you can tell from viewing this piece. I enjoyed messing around with black dots and wanted a bunch of tiny bits to form one bigger subject. I think my intention comes across in this work. I'm also super interested in fragmentation. I'm excited I was able to create a digital piece that looks quite like a physical work. At first glance, I want the viewer to think that perhaps this could be an ink blot or screen print.

Untitled, November 2019
The piece is made up of straight and bold edges. It is multicolored and resembles refraction of light. It conveys the feelings of chaos.

Untitled, November 2019
My artwork describes how I feel being under water in a summer pool having fun with the family.

Le Scooter, November 2019
[...] It is my abstract interpretation of the scooter. I designed it in a way to feel similar to an animal like a horse that we ride to get to where we are going. This is intentional as I wanted it to give it a soul, it is a part of many people's daily lives across the world, so it is important to us humans.

Auburn Summer, November 2019
[...] it represents the subtlety of my school colors [in] an abstract design.

Untitled, November 2019
This is a minimalist piece which shows the interplay between light and dark within the human psyche.

Untitled, November 2019
This is a study of sapphire blue and coral representing a circuit board in a computer.

Untitled, November 2019
This piece represents the overwhelming nature of human emotion. Emotions can be sharp, dark, overlapping and complicated. They overwhelm and they can shatter your soul.

Untitled, November 2019
This piece represents Pepsi and the refreshing taste it provides when the bubbles hit your mouth.

Untitled, November 2019
They stand like people in a room. Some closer, some further, but in the end all still people. Red dots on white canvas, meat mallet application.

Dance of the Urban Street, November 2019
[...] because of the chaos and volatility. You can feel the energy of the shapes jostled together like a dense urban environment.

Disarray, November 2019
This art represents the many different variables we encounter in life, be it people, institutions of some sort, or the whole of society. With these also comes solutions and detriments to our problems and sometimes they can look very similar to each other despite having radically different results.