(Not updated since 2020)

Selected Press Coverage

Our work on discovering novel dance movements for any input music was covered in Engadget.

Our work on Fashion++, an AI tool that recommends minimal edits to an outfit to make it more fashionable, was covered in Vogue Business, VentureBeat, and over a dozen other outlets.

I was featured in Vogue’s “Dream Makers. How the women in AI are shaping our future.”

Our work on teaching bots to navigate New York City using natural language was covered in MIT Technology Review, Forbes, Fast Company, New Scientist, TechCrunch, The Verge, and others.

Our work on Embodied Question Answering (Embodied QA), a first step towards agents that can see, talk, and reason, was covered in MIT Technology Review and others.


50+ articles on our work on training AI bots to negotiate, including CNN, Fast Company, TechCrunch, Quartz, The Verge, and New Scientist.

Georgia Tech College of Computing’s featured news story about my Google Faculty Research Award 2016 on Making the V in VQA Matter: Elevating the Role of Image Understanding in Visual Question Answering.

Georgia Tech College of Computing’s featured news story about my Amazon Academic Research Award 2016 on Counting Everyday Objects in Everyday Scenes.

Our work on comparing where humans and machines look when answering questions about images was covered in MIT Technology Review, New Scientist, The Verge, and Nautilus.

Our work on understanding and predicting visual humor was covered in MIT Technology Review. Virginia Tech’s Bradeley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering’s featured news story.

Virginia Tech’s Bradeley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering’s featured news story, and Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering’s featured new story about my National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award (2016) on Visual Question Answering (VQA).

Virginia Tech’s Bradeley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering’s featured news story about [Dhruv Batra][dhruv]’s and my Google Faculty Research Award 2015 on Visual Question Answering (VQA).

Our work on Visual Question Answering (VQA) in What’s in This Picture? AI Becomes as Smart as a Toddler in Bloomberg Business.

GeekWire news story, Gigaom article, and Virginia Tech’s featured news story about my Allen Distinguished Investigator in Artificial Intelligence award from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation.

“Do I know you?” Americal Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) feature in their Prism November 2014 issue


“Can cartoons be used to teach machines to understand the visual world?”

Virginia Tech’s featured news story about my Google Faculty Research Award 2014.

Virginia Tech and College of Engineering’s featured news story about my Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Program (YIP) 2014 award.

Virginia Center for Autonomous Systems (VaCAS) featured news story about my Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Program (YIP) 2014 award.

Virginia Tech’s 2013 ECE Annual Report has a profile of my research.

Webpage design courtesy Abhishek Das.